When I started in ministry 20 years ago, I  stepped out in faith committed to follow God wherever He led. For the past 17 years, I’ve served as a staff pastor at Idlewild Baptist church in Tampa, FL.  During those 17 years I’ve had many amazing opportunities to learn, grow and test lots of ministry ideas. I’ve been a part of many great things God has done through His people and His church. From starting ministries, to designing and building facilities, to relocation, to ministry strategies and processes, I’ve learned and led with a hands on approach.

Just as God clearly called me into ministry, today I sense He’s redirecting and redefining my ministry future . This is both exciting and a scary. I covet your prayers as I seek to expand the ministry impact I have through ministry consulting and coaching.

Leaving the safety and security of a staff role at a mega church to go out on my own is definitely a huge step of faith. However, I’m confident my God will supply all my needs. My wife and children are in full support of this faith walk. We’re taking it together.

The name of my ministry is “I Connect the Dots.” You can read more about it at www.iconnectthedots.org.

I believe in most organizations, especially churches and non-profits, there are a few core elements that are essential to the health of the organization. I call those core elements, “dots.” God has given me a passion and gifting to partner with godly leaders to help them better connect their dots resulting in the fulfillment of their God-given dreams and visions. Here’s a 1-page overview of what I can offer.

Maybe you or someone you know could benefit from talking with me about how together we can “Connect the Dots.”

Please connect with me,

Kevin Miller
Cell or Text: 813-363-3476
Email: kevin@iconnectthedots.org
Web: www.iconnectthedots.org